Cody Spencer, Co-Manager of Roam Ranch in the Hill Country of Texas and Co-Owner of Sweetgrass Bison in Southwest, AB, joined me to discuss the work he is participating in to regenerate an abused and brittle landscape. We talk about using cover crops, calving in sync with nature, and finding animals that are adapted to a wide variety of environments.

Dr. Abbey Wick and Tim Hammerich, the two minds behind the NDSU Soil Sense Podcast, joined me to talk about why the started this podcast and what they were hoping to accomplish through this venture.

I sat down with Jamie Depape, Chief Operations Officer for Annelida Casting Innovations, a worm casting bio stimulant manufacturing company just outside of Edmonton, AB, CA. We talked after finishing a tour of the first of two facilites. This was a great opportunity to see, hear, and smell the benefits of worm castings for range and soil health

Here is my talk from the 2020 Holistic Management Canada Conference. I was asked to share the lessons I have learned from 100+ podcast interviews. What have you learned through the podcast?

While in Camrose, AB, CA for the Holistic Management Canada 2020 conference I sat down with Steve Kenyon and talked about the discipline of lifelong learning. One thing that became abundantly clear at the conference was that many of the greatest minds in Canadian Holistic Management display a commitment to lifelong learning. Steve is a primary example of this so I asked him to sit down with me and talk about the why and how of his learning.

Darrell Oswald, Manager of the Menoken Farm, joined me to discuss how they are approaching improving soil health at Menoken Farm. We talk about the Five Pillars of Soil Health as well as the upcoming Farming and Ranching for the Bottom Line conference.

Craig Guffey, one of the minds behind Swearngin Angus, joined me to discuss how he got started from nothing. We also discuss finding animals that are adapted to the environment and challenge more than a few paradigms related to phenotype.

Cooper Hibbard is a member of a multi-generation ranch in the mountains of Montana. He joined me to discuss how they go about using polywire to graze these difficult terrains. We also discussed how they are trying to find genetics fit to their environment and what Cooper learned on various ranches on three continents.

Chuck Cosgrove a grazier from Utah joined me to disuss the successes, challenges, and benefits of an intensive grazing project on pivot irrigated circles. We talk economic benefits, land benefits, and animal performance.

Michelle Patten, of Patten Bookkeeping Services, joined me to discuss the ins and outs of having someone else take over some or all of your bookkeeping. We talk about the real costs associated with it as well as some of the benefits of getting good financial information in a timely manner.