A jolly old Briton fellow loses his thing, so the doctors grow a new thing on his arm.

Brent, Landon and Casey go deep with random thoughts.

Even killers or almost killers can make music. Why you judging?

Ramblings of poker and weed make the rounds through the podcast this week. We "suck" at both?

The Moving Iron Podcast guys join us to talk Ukraine, a little Oscars, and how weak we are in our triggers.

The state of Wyoming has come up their own smartphone app to help out with all your roadkill needs. Because you know, a guy's gotta eat.

Brent rambles on about the ablation performed on his crappy heart. And, can farmers ever just be happy???

Brent and Landon immaturely commentate on this year's State of the Union.

You heard right! We talk ag markets, foot fetishes and Landon drinking A LOT of crown!

We cover it all from The National Corn Growers Contest, Bob Saget, German Veterans Day and more! (We're really versatile)