The girls chat about the USDA's surprising numbers in their August Supply and Demand report. With a farmer, an agronomist and a merchandiser offering different perspectives.

The girls talk communicating with the consumer. Find out why Jen hates the idea of educating anyone, what Karen learned at her recent conference and why Angie just might be in the wrong job!

The girls talk about 4-H, the good, the bad and the hilarious.

Taysha Reitzel tells us her hot mess mom ways. What it's like to have a fellow farm wife anonymously complain to her boss, her fears about not loving her second child as much as her first and what it's like to feel too Wal-Marty even for Wal-Mart. You'll laugh, nod in agreement and laugh some more.

The girls chat crop updates; what it looks like in their backyards, what the markets are doing and especially what's happening now that Dicamba issues seem to be rapidly spreading outside of the original epicenter in Arkansas. Hear Karen's take on what's happening and how you can protect yourself.

The girls chat about what makes them tick in a hilarious. yet serious, yet incredibly cathartic conversation. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll roll your eyes.

The girls discuss Dicamba. What it is, why there are problems surrounding it and what you should do if you're preparing to use it.

The girls chat with Rob Sharkey, podcasting superstar about what it's like to be a dad. Talking about putting his sons car on Craigslist as punishment, what it's like raising a teenage daughter and drinking foo foo drinks with a twisty straw.

The girls ask the big question of does size matter? Whether you're a BTO, a BTFO or just a new guy working to get started in today's' crazy farming world, does size matter?

After a less than stellar start to the growing year Karen and Angie chat about what's happening field condition and market wise. From replants to South American exports the girls chat about all that's shaking the spring so far.