The girls talk the "Thank a Farmer" movement. Why they dislike the romanticized approach and who they're really thanking when all is said and done.

In the second edition of our supplemental "Hot Mess Moms in Ag" series we chat with Donnarie Hales. Her mom hacks, her most embarrassing mom moment and why her husband is a saint.

The girls discuss advocates for agriculture or "agvocates." What an agvocate is, how they contribute to the industry and how that role may change in the future.

Jen gives us insight into her new book just released on Amazon. She tells us all about Pete's story from his troubled start to what he's doing now and what his plans are for the future. The girls discuss what participating in 4H means as well as how much they love Amazon Prime.

The girls discuss the current weather pattern. What it means from an agronomic standpoint, what it may mean to the markets and what you need to do before you decide to plant or replant.

The girls discuss commodity markets and how cash prices are set.

The girls discuss the war of words in the dairy industry between U.S. and Canadian dairy farmers and politicians. What's really going on and what you can do to help.

The girls discuss County of Origin Labeling, what it is, how it started and the countries they shy away from at the grocery store.

The girls introduce their supplemental #HotMessMomsInAg podcast. One filled with true stories of what it's like to be a hot mess mom in ag, mom hacks and a true tale of their most embarrassing mom moments.

The girls discuss what it's like being a woman in agriculture, from how they got started, their experiences and their advice to up and coming women in the industry--as well as some tips for the men in all of our lives.