In our last episode with Dr. Nora Feldpausch, we brought up the idea of Mental Health Moments. It's been awhile since we've checked in in that department, so this week's episode is about taking a moment and checking in with ourselves. We share some of the ways we each take stock of our own moods and frames of mind, and some things that help us get back on track when we notice we're slipping. Maybe there's something in here that will speak to your heart and help you ask some questions of yourself if you feel like you're drifting. Thanks for listening!

This week, Valene gives an overview of what she's been hearing from producers in the countryside. She talks about how some producers are looking to expand, but can't get the necessary feed delivered. It's not an issue of supply or demand, but rather labor. We're heading into a droughty crop season and there's lot of speculation on whether there's going to be enough water to get farmers through the year. At the end, we remind each other how important it is to have a support system, and the value of taking a step back, a deep breath, and maybe a cocktail on the back porch to let perspective gain a little ground.

This week, we're joined by Angie Setzer, or, as she goes by on Twitter, @GoddessofGrain. She gives us the rundown of what in the world is going in with global grain markets. She discusses the Ukraine/Russia situation, talks about how grain marketers now have to be geopolitical watchers as well as marketers, drought in the US and South America, and what producers can do to somewhat insulate themselves from the crazy ups and downs. She also discusses how Black Swan events have upended grain trading as it was long known. Jump into this episode for a bird's eye view of today's grain markets.

This week, Katharine and Val are back in the same space, recording together. We take a look at how we are and aren't involved in our agricultural organizations, and discuss how they may be struggling to speak to our generation. We walk carefully, because these organizations are institutional and have served vital purposes over the years, but also ask the question of how can they be more? How can we be more through them? As noted several times in the episode, we don't have answers, and so come to you, our audience, for your perspective and thoughts on this topic. Get in touch with us! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and directly at [email protected]. Thanks as always for listening, and we look forward to the conversation this episode will start.

This week, we're joined by Brittany and Bonnie, who together form Peters Family Farms. These ladies started out with a U-Pick strawberry venture which has morphed into a fully fledged diversified vegetable and cut flower operation. They talk about how they got started, challenges they've overcome in four seasons, and what's next for them. They share how their families are an integral part of their operation, and how it's important to do things even if you're scared. Great conversation with some awesome guests! Tune in this week.

This week, we're joined by a guest with a deep background in global ag. Dr. Kelly Wilson is the Assistant Director of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture, and brings us what she calls the definition-defying nature of regenerative ag. She doesn't give us a specific definition, because she believes that regenerative can mean different things in different places to different people, but does give us an overview of what her research covers and what the Center does. She also regales us with tales of her agriculture experiences in sub-Saharan Africa, where she worked with subsistence farmers and saw a very different mode of agricultural production that was focused mainly on feeding the people who farmed the land. This is an excellent interview with a great guest in our series on regenerative agriculture. Don't miss it! This episode was brought to you by FMC. The Center for Regenerative Agriculture can be found at:https://cra.missouri.edu/about/

Kara Smith, co-owner and operator with her husband Jeff of Colorado Craft Beef, explains that sustainability is doing right by everyone today to make sure the future will be bright as well. She helps us dive into the three legged stool of sustainability, economic sustainability, and what it means for the beef industry as a whole on this week's episode. You definitely won't want to miss this episode with Kara!

This week, we're joined by Tanya Oldham of the Idaho Dairymen's Association. We continue our series on regenerative ag, with Tanya detailing practices being used by dairymen to enhance sustainability and create more with less. This is a great episode talking about regenerative ag in an area where it hasn't been heard as much, but with producers still doing the work to achieve higher levels of sustainability.

This week, we keep it short and sweet. We talk about our New Year's goals that we're still figuring out, how you can always start again, and trying to be present in our lives.

What is regenerative agriculture? Much like sustainability, this new buzzword has become popular in the last several years. Also like sustainability, it can sometimes seem like it's defying definition. Matt Craighead, a former employee of a soil conservation agency and current agricultural educator joins the podcast this week to kick off our series about regenerative agriculture. Matt gives us his definition of the phrase, and walks us through a 30,000 foot view of what his perspective is regarding regenerative ag. Our conversation doesn't just touch on soil and crop practices, but on livestock and the success and succession of family farms. You don't want to miss this episode! Tune in!